Franc O'cher is a Canadian singer-songwriter known for his emotive blend of folk, rock, and pop music. Born as Francois Durocher, he's a proud French Quebecer with a passion for music that began at a young age.

His career spans several decades, marked by a distinctive voice that's slightly raspy yet soulful. Franc's songwriting style is characterized by melancholic yet hopeful narratives that resonate with audiences. He has a talent for seamlessly blending acoustic elements with soft rock and pop influences, creating a signature sound.

Notable tracks like "So" and "For Your Love" have received praise for their emotionally resonant lyrics and catchy melodies. Franc's music captures the essence of timeless romance and human emotions.

Though he took a hiatus from music in the early 2000s, Franc O'cher made a triumphant return, continuing to evolve his music while staying true to his emotive core.

With each release, Franc O'cher proves his ability to convey heartfelt sentiments and create a captivating musical journey. His live performances have been a highlight of his career, where he connects directly with audiences.

Franc O'cher's music is a testament to his enduring passion for storytelling through song, making him a standout artist in the Canadian music scene.